Creating Tapestries of Colors
Amalgamation of Art and Craft
“He who works with his hands
and his head is a craftsman. He
who works with his hands and
his head and his heart is an
artist”- Francis of Assisi
Tapestry is an ancient form of textile art which has been
practiced all over the world for thousands of years. It is a
woven decorative fabric, the design of which is built up
using the technique of weaving. Broadly, the name
tapestry is used to dene almost any heavy material,
which can range from being handwoven, machine
woven, or even embroidered, and is often used to cover
furniture, walls, oors or for the decoration of clothing.
This art has been practiced by many ancient civilizations.
Ancient Egyptians and the Incas used woven tapestries
as shrouds in which to bury their dead. The Greeks and
Romans used them as wall coverings for civic buildings
and temples like the Parthenon. A tapestry is created by
weaving coloured weft threads through plain warp
threads. The warp threads are stretched on a loom and
act as a grid for weavers to create a pattern with the
coloured weft threads. The art of creating tapestry not
just gives an opportunity to gain skills of wefting and
weaving, but also can be practiced to merge creative
ideas with traditional skills. Students of 3rd and 4th
semester from the department of textile design were
given the task of creating tapestry designs using the
technique of weaving. The theme they were given to
work upon was creating landscapes inspired from nature
or cityscapes. The nal products created by students, as a
result, were executed using not just a vivid and rich color
pallete, but also imagination and creativity were
explored. This task gave students an opportunity to prac-
tice and gain in-depth knowledge about learning tradi-
tional skills in a creative manner.
The students of 1st semester founda-
tion year embarked on a fascinating
journey that extended beyond the
mere construction of physical struc-
tures. This assignment based on
shelter making oered an attempt to
explore the fundamental human
need for shelter, delving into the
intricate interplay between culture,
environment, and architectural inge-
nuity. Students are encouraged to
not only conceptualize and design
shelters but also to critically analyse
the impact of their creations on the
inhabitants and the surrounding
ecosystem. Under the guidance of
Ms Istrahat and Sir Zafar Iqbal,
students attempted to explore tradi-
tional dwellings rooted in cultural
heritage, to innovative and sustain-
able structures that address contem-
porary challenges. This assignment
became a platform for students to
fuse creativity with practicality. By
immersing themselves in the multi-
faceted world of shelter making,
students gained insights into the
profound connections between
human civilization, the natural envi-
ronment, and the structures that
bind them all together.
Foundation year students working diligently on their projects using dierent materials and creating variety of
Students coming up with creative outcomes by
exploring dierent materials with a problem solving