Life can be tough sometimes. It throws
problems at us that seem really hard to handle.
But you know what? Facing these problems can
actually help us nd happiness in the end.
When we go through tough times, it's like a test.
It makes us stronger and helps us learn
important things. Imagine someone having
money problems. It's really stressful and tough.
But dealing with this teaches them how to
manage money better. They become more
creative in nding solutions and learn to
appreciate success more. In the end, they not
only x their money problems but also feel really
proud of themselves.
Relationships can also be hard. Arguments and
disputes can make us really sad. But going
through these tough times helps us understand
ourselves and others better. It helps us build
better and happier relationships in the future.
Sometimes, our jobs don't go well. We might fail
or face big challenges. But these tough times
"The true mark of a believer is
when you nd strength in your
struggles, peace in your prayers,
and comfort in your faith."
Mufti Menk
"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings,
by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."
William James
Fostering Collaboration:
Exploring New Avenues with Enablers for
Professional Development
Food for thought
The Center for Well-Being and Positive
Psychology recently engaged in a
productive meeting with representatives
from Enablers. In this collaborative session,
the Enablers team proposed an initiative
where the Center would conduct
specialized sessions to elevate the
professionalism of their team by focusing
on the development of essential soft skills
as the center is already successfully
teaching specialized soft skills courses at
IAC. Moreover, they put forth the idea of
introducing concise freelancing courses at
IAC, tailored to cater to students' interests and aligned with practical skills for online earning.
Both parties also shared a mutual interest in co-creating a comprehensive course that combines soft
skills with freelancing. Recognizing the importance of communication skills, there was a specic
proposal to develop a course addressing this area, aimed at enhancing the communication prociency
of women managing small businesses or engaging in online platforms, facilitating smoother
interactions with clients.
The Center for Well-Being and Positive Psychology expressed genuine enthusiasm for Enablers'
proposals and looks forward to future collaborative endeavors.
Faculty of Center for Well Being and Positive Psychology pictured
alongside the delegation from Enablers
Image Pending
Adaptability, a key quality in navigating life's
twists and turns, signicantly inuences
individuals' daily experiences. Picture it as a
superpower that helps you handle surprises and
adjust to changes smoothly. When life throws
unexpected challenges, adaptable people don't
get confused; they nd new ways to tackle
This exibility isn't just about coping; it's a
game-changer. Adaptable individuals have a
unique ability to stay cool under pressure,
guring out solutions and keeping a sense of
control. This adaptability also brings a positive
impact on emotions, reducing stress and
boosting overall well-being.
Think of it as a toolbox for life – being adaptable
means you're always ready to learn and add new
tools. This approach becomes especially handy
in both work and personal life. At work, it might
open doors to new opportunities, while in
personal life, it helps maintain a positive outlook
even when things are uncertain.
In a nutshell, adaptability is more than just a skill;
it's a mindset that empowers you to steer your
life with condence, even when the road is a bit
bumpy. So, embrace adaptability as your ally in
this journey of life, making every twist and turn a
chance to grow and thrive.
Embrace Change,
Boost Well-Being:
The Adaptive
Mindset Revolution
Cultivating Cultural Responsiveness:
Insights from the Faculty Development
Program Session
During the recent session of the Center for Well-Being and Positive Psychology's Faculty
Development Program, Ms. Sameeha from the School of Digital and Cinematic Art shed light on the
essential topic of cultivating cultural responsiveness in teaching. Her presentation was thoughtfully
organized into two segments: the "Do's" and "Don'ts." Under the "Do's," Ms. Sameeha emphasized the
importance of values such as punctuality, truth, trust, honesty, loyalty, sincerity, responsibility,
sympathy, empathy, and supporting and adapting to change. On the other side, the "Don'ts" included
recommendations to steer clear of manipulation, backbiting, leg-pulling, comparison, jealousy, and
rage. Ms. Sameeha encouraged a professional approach, suggesting that ignoring negative behaviors
and aligning our actions with these guidelines is crucial for deriving genuine benets from the
Faculty Development Program.
Ms. Sameeha not only provided insights on cultural responsiveness but also shared her experiences
from RUBIKA France. She highlighted the punctuality of teachers at RUBIKA, emphasizing their strict
adherence to rules and regulations. Teachers at RUBIKA are dedicated to their classes, prioritizing
uninterrupted teaching time. Ms. Sameeha commended their commitment, noting that they don't
leave the classroom for any reason, ensuring a focused learning environment. She also praised the
teachers' proactive approach in taking initiatives to assist and support every student, maintaining a
conducive atmosphere for learning.
Ms. Sameeha shedding light on the topic of Cultivating
Cultural Responsiveness in teaching
Dedicated faculty posing at the end of a successful Faculty
Development Program Session.
Image Pending
teach us how to keep trying and adapt. We learn
new things and discover what we're really good
at. So, even though it's tough, it leads us to
better jobs that makes us happier in the end.
Happiness isn't just about not having any
problems. It's about facing the problems and
learning from them. Every problem we face ends
up teaching us something important. These
tough times make us stronger, kinder, and more
aware of ourselves.
Life is like a big storybook, and problems are like
the exciting parts that make the story
interesting. They help us grow and change into
better people. So, when life gets tough,
remember, it's just a stepping stone to nding
real happiness.
It is not the strongest of the species
that survives, nor the most intelligent,
but the one most responsive to change.
Charles Darwin