Ph. D., (Structural Engineering) December 1998, AIT
M. Eng; (Structural Engineering) December 1989, AIT
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, December 1982, UET
Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, 16.3.1983 to 26.7.1986
Assistant Profess in CED, UET, Lahore, 27.7.1986 to 12.12.1993.
Associate Professor of Civil Engr Dept., UET, Lahore, 13.12.1993 to 28.5.2000.
Professor of Civil Engr Dept., UET, Lahore, 29.5.2000 to to 2004.
Professor of Architectural Engineering & Founding Chairman of Architectural Engineering & Design Department at UET Lahore, Pakistan, 2004 to 31.05.2013.
Professor of Civil Engineering, UCP, 1.6.2013 to 25.08.2023
Associate Dean Faculty of Engineering & Head of Civil Engineering Department, UCP, Lahore, 1.06.2013 to 4.11.2018.
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, UCP, 5.11.2018 to 14.4.2022
Prof. Tahir has been teaching in structures and construction at UET and UCP. He has forty years expeperience in testing materials of construction. He has vast experience in structural design and review of buildings, bridges and other structures.
7 1993, “Matrix Moment Distribution”, Journal of NWFP University of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 12, No.2, pp.51-55, Peshawar, Pakistan.